Sugar Grove Township
History of Warren County Pennsylvania Schenck 1887
The dominance of maple trees after the dense growth of forest was removed gave the township its significant name. For its agricultural wealth, Sugar Grove is not surpassed by any region in this part of the State. While dairying is profitable here, fruits and grains are easily produced in great abundance.
The first permanent settler was Robert Miles, He came up the river from Pittsburgh in June 1797 with his family in the first keel-boat that found its way to Warren. His farm at first included an area of nearly three square miles.
David Brown was another pioneer of the county. He was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1777, and came to the United States in 1802. Soon after his marriage, he moved to Warren, and was, for a time, in the employment of the Holland Land Company, living in the block house located on the bank of the Conewango Creek. He owned land in Sugar Grove village, erected one of the first framed houses, and around 1809, made it his permanent home.
The roads in this part of the country were in rough, unfinished condition--mere bridle-paths in 1820. There were still thick forests. Chandler’s Valley had a name, but was not yet large enough to deserve the dignity of being called a village. The village of Sugar Grove was very small. There was a small, unpainted school building. The village had until about this time been known as Brownsville, after David Brown. It was named Sugar Grove in about 1821.
Sugar Grove township had grist mills, sawmills, a tannery, and a stave and shinglemill. There was also a cider and jellymill. The usual carriage and harness shops, general store, bakeries, etc. Sugar Grove News was the newspaper published in Sugar Grove.
Courtesy of the Warren County Historical Society